PVC Resin

How to Maintain uPVC Windows & Doors

What are uPVC windows?

In UPVC windows, the plastic powder uPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) is used to construct the frames used in UPVC windows and UPVC Doors. Initially, uPVC is heated to the desired temperature; then, it is shaped after being put into the mould. After being placed into the mould, various cooling techniques are used on it. After cooling, UPVC is cut and ready, along with other parts assembled within the UPVC windows and UPVC Doors. Because UPVC is a non-plasticized material, now chemicals known as plasticizers are added to it – it’s not been softened and retains its toughness. UPVC Windows are made from uPVC and are robust, and have multiple functions.

What are UPVC doors?

Polyvinyl Chloride is a soft light plastic often found in various types of figure-hugging clothing. In the absence of the plasticizing agent, it’s more rigid, making it ideal for creating doors, furniture, and other items. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (or uPVC) is the term this material is known by. The majority of UPVC Doors aren’t made entirely out of plastics.

While certain “cowboy” companies will install UPVC doors and UPVC Windows with uPVC panels that aren’t robust and could be smashed through, every installation firm worth their salt will employ reinforced panels. Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure that the UPVC doors and UPVC Windows you’re purchasing include a frame and panels that have been strengthened using durable carbon or steel.

Cleaning uPVC windows and doors

UPVC became the most sought-after option for UPVC windows and UPVC Doors when it was first introduced in the late eighties, mainly because it offered a maintenance-free alternative compared to wood frames. In contrast to timber, which requires lots of attention, UPVC windows, and UPVC Doors will last long without any maintenance. UPVC will require regular cleaning to ensure it stays fresh and clean since dirt and dust accumulates, particularly when it comes to white frames. For homes located in cities, towns or close to the coast, We recommend cleaning every 3 months, and for rural areas that don’t see such a lot of dirt, having it sprayed twice a year will suffice.

Lubricating uPVC windows and doors

UPVC Windows and UPVC Doors maintenance is often challenging when we don’t monitor them. Just a bad hinge to make it impossible to shut and open your windows with ease.

So, for today we’re going to emphasise the best time and method to clean the moving parts of your UPVC windows to keep them secure and functional.

UPVC Windows and UPVC Doors maintenance, specifically lubricating moving parts of windows to keep them in good working order and safe. You should lubricate all moving parts yearly using silicone spray and avoid solvent-based sprays. Other possible causes of problems with UPVC windows and UPVC Doors are that they require consultation with experts on windows and glass when you are unsure.

How to Protect uPVC windows and doors from weather damage

If the UPVC windows and UPVC Doors have expanded or ballooned due to the heat, you might find opening and closing your windows more difficult, specifically in darker shades of uPVC windows. But reducing the expansion of heat is quite simple. Suppose you aren’t able to, wait for the uPVC to retract itself. There are some suggestions on how you can tackle or decrease the expansion.You can aid in cooling down the UPVC windows and UPVC Doors by spraying the exterior with cool water or pressing the frame using a damp, cold cloth. Applying cold water to the frame’s exterior, the frame should begin to shrink faster.
If you have UPVC doors and UPVC Windows, there’s an easy fix that could cause issues once the UPVC doors cool down. Upvc doors come with hinges that adjust to make larger doors easier to close and open. But, when the UPVC doors and even UPVC Windows are returned to their normal size, you might find that the hinge you adjusted could cause minor problems.

Cleaning and maintaining uPVC screens

Upvc windows and UPVC Doors must be cleaned every six months, both outside and inside. A simple soap mix and cloth are enough to do this. It helps keep the aesthetics in check and improves the chance of easily identifying mistakes. The visible areas exposed when the windows are opened should be cleaned frequently. It would help if you considered investing in a quality vacuum cleaner and using it frequently to wash them. For UPVC windows and UPVC Doors with drainage holes, ensure they are regularly cleaned. If the window is subject to extreme humidity, i.e. on balconies windows in areas of bad weather, dry them out to avoid condensation issues.

DIY maintenance vs professional help for uPVC windows and doors

Many things can be done DIY (Do-it-Yourself); however, installing Upvc doors and windows is not among them! Why? First of all, if you’re undertaking a project of refurbishment that is as large as the replacement of windows takes considerable precision, time and effort. Additionally, you will be sourcing the material locally from a vendor that is not certified and comes with no warranty or other guarantees. UPVC Windows and UPVC doors are the ideal blends of beauty, durability and energy efficiency. However, they should be installed by a professional only. Select a reputable brand such as AIS Windows to get quality uPVC Windows. Below are the obvious negatives to be aware of before installing windows and doors made from uPVC yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Do uPVC windows & Doors need maintenance?

Clean windows make a big impact on the appearance of your house. If you’re using UPVC windows, only minimal maintenance is required – painting and weatherproofing aren’t things you have to consider when choosing UPVC Windows and UPVC Doors. However, you’ll be required to maintain and clean the operating components. This article will show you how to keep the condition of your UPVC windows and UPVC Doors.

What do you use to lubricate uPVC windows & Doors?

Ensure the UPVC windows and UPVC Doors locks and seals have been properly maintained and lubricated. We recommend lubricants made from silicone. Oil accumulation can occur in the hinges and locking mechanisms in time. So, using a tiny amount of silicone-based grease on an absorbent cloth is ideal. Clean it around tracks and every seal to prevent all windows from opening and closing. A damp cloth can also be able to clean window handles and hinges. Clean the UPVC windows and UPVC Doors by wiping down the frames. However, you should use only water or a mild, non-coloring detergent this time. Do not use heavy oil or WD40 to clean windows, hinges, or locks.

Can I paint a uPVC door & windows?how-to-maintain-uPVC-windows-&-doors/

If you’re looking for a way to colour the exterior of your UPVC windows and UPVC Doors and are looking for ways to achieve this, The first piece of advice is not to paint your windows if they’re brand new. This is because of the resins that are found in UPVC materials. In manufacturing, the extra coating of polymer is applied to windows, which makes UPVC Windows and UPVC Doors look shiny. This isn’t an area you can paint over, so any UPVC Windows and UPVC Doors that are newly installed must be kept for at least 12 months before you attempt to paint it over.


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